Wednesday, February 6, 2008

My Blog!

I finaly got a blog! This is so all my friends (and cousins) to see whats been happining! Which you all know whats happining because i email you..but still. I just wanted a blog. I cant wait to start posting..and i can finaly post pictures! And videossoon..I have this really funny movie of my dog bitting my camera. Its really funny! I'll post !


Elizabeth B. said...

Okay now I've got it.. hahahahaha. One of the links you sent me was wrong.. haha.. It sent me to a pretty crazy blog.. wow wee. but I love your blog! and I'm happy that you got one! AHHH it feels like hardly anyone has one.

Thomas said...

Yahhhh! I've been waiting for you to pop out a blog. You are awesome! We miss you! much love, kath

Elizabeth B. said...

Yo annie,... Post!!! :) I want to hear whats cheese hattin' down der' in Wisconsin! (sorry kind of.. well weird today?)

Thomas said...

Yeah I want to here what you have been doing, what friends you have made and how ed is getting along.

Anonymous said...

Hi...this is annie and this isnt my blog. My blog is so don't comment here...